DHCR Fact Sheets

9 min. readlast update: 01.25.2024

All Rent Regulation Facts Sheets


    Fact Sheet #1: Rent Stabilization and Rent Control

    This Fact Sheet contains information on the requirements that generally must be met for a building to be considered rent stabilized, or for an apartment to be considered rent controlled. It also contains general information on rent increases, rent overcharges, rent reductions for decreases in services, harassment, and rent registration.




    Fact Sheet #3: Required and Essential Services

    This Fact Sheet contains information on required and essential services, which include repairs, heat, hot and cold water, maintenance, painting and janitorial services, elevator service and ancillary services such as garage and recreational facilities. Owners must provide and maintain services and equipment furnished or required by Rent Control or Rent Stabilization regulations.




    Fact Sheet #14: Rent Reductions for Decreased Services

    This Fact Sheet contains information on tenant rights when the owner is not maintaining services or does not comply with a DHCR order. It also contains the procedures that owners must follow if he, she or they cannot get access to a tenant’s apartment to make repairs, how a rent reduction order affects rent stabilized and rent controlled tenants, and more.




    Fact Sheet #15: Heat and Hot Water

    This Fact Sheet contains information on when heat and hot water must be provided for rent regulated buildings inside and outside New York City, and tenant rights when an owner fails to provide heat and or hot water.




    Fact Sheet #17: Harassment

    This Fact Sheet contains information on what is considered harassment and the steps that tenants can take if the owner, or anyone acting on behalf of the owner, is harassing them. 




    Fact Sheet #27: Air Conditioners

    This Fact Sheet contains information on the surcharges that owners may charge for the use and or installation of an air conditioner in electrical inclusion buildings. Owners may also be eligible for a rent increase if they purchase and install an air conditioner in a rent control or rent stabilized apartment.




    Fact Sheet #30: Succession Rights

    This Fact Sheet contains information on the definitions of a family member, disabled person, and senior citizen for succession purposes, and the minimum residency requirements that must be met to be eligible for succession rights.




    Fact Sheet #32: Eviction

    This Fact Sheet contains information on the grounds for eviction, as well as resources for assistance with questions about court-related matters or free legal assistance.




    Fact Sheet #41: Tax Abatements

    This Fact Sheet contains information on the tax incentive programs that give tax benefits to owners for meeting certain requirements, such as rehabilitating qualifying systems in existing buildings, constructing new buildings, or creating residential units in previously commercial buildings.




    Fact Sheet #44: Fees

    This Fact Sheet contains information on certain fees that owners may charge tenants that are separate and apart from the rent for the apartment. Fees of any kind cannot become a part of the legal or preferential rent and cannot be added to the rent for the purpose of calculating lease renewal increases.



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